About the author

Nosagie Nosa-Ero

Nosa is the Senior Editor of TechRez. Got a NEWS TIP related to this story -- or to anything else in the world of big tech? Please e-mail him: nosa[at]techrez.com. You can also connect with him via the connections below the box.

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  1. 1


    Hello Nosa

    Whats UP ?
    I am new to blogging. Just started my carrier as a blogger. Currently I am exploring and learning new things. posts like this make it easy to learn new things. You can be fulfilled when it comes to knowledge. But starve to learn more can make you a good person.
    You have included all the important aspects of blogging. I am sure these tips would help others to become successful and better bloggers.

    1. 1.1

      Nosa E Nosa

      Hello Shristhi,

      Its great to have you visit my blog and I am glad you are enjoying blogging as a new career. Blogging is always evolving and since you are one who loves to explore and learn new things, success is the only alternative.

  2. 2


    Hello Nosa,
    It looks like we woke up on the same pages here :). You know, on one of my post i said; it is not only good writing that will determine a good blogger. A good blogger or a better blogger goes beyond just the blogging aspect. creativity can not be left out in the game of blogging ya know.

    Ahhh… I do not do SEO on my blog but i do leave the whole seo stress to my all in one seo :).
    This is indeed a lovely post from you Nosa. It was worth the read… 🙂

    1. 2.1

      Nosa E Nosa

      Hello Babanature,

      Glad to have you stop by, I was thinking the same thing when I read your post and unlike the search bar issue, we were on different pages.. but I guess we finally think in the same direction.

      All in one SEO is great, It’s the plugin I used when I first started blogging and I am sure they have improved over the years. I am currently testing other options and trying to get this blog to normal. You know when you migrate from Blogger to WordPress, they are lots of issues that can come up, so I am working them out gradually.

      Do have a great day 🙂

  3. 3

    Adesanmi Adedotun

    Hi Prince Nosa,

    Time! Time!! Time!!!… Blogging and time are two unlike pole (unlike poles attract) while like pole repel. The first factor to be considered as a successful blogger that wanted succeed in blog-o-sphere depend solely on the time. Blog is not a fist at all, real time must be dedicated for blogging if really one need to succeed. Time and blog promoting work together, it’s impossible to promote our blog post without quality time.

    1. 3.1

      Nosa E Nosa

      Hi Adesanmi,

      Thanks for your excellent contribution. Indeed time and blog promotion works like a charm.

      Have a great weekend.

  4. 4


    I think time and SEO are the two necessary things which we must know if we want to survive in the field of blogging .You have shared very perfect information which is very necessary .

  5. 5


    Dear Nosa Sir,

    Really you are genius. It’s no doubt , a very helpful post for me as am a new blogger. Keep it up.

    1. 5.1

      Nosa E Nosa

      Thanks for the nod friend. 🙂

  6. 6

    Sam Adeyinka

    Wow! What an insightful post you got here buddy! How on heart did I miss this? Damn it!

    Boss, again, you caught me and left me spell bounded to your post as a result of your rich voice and manner in which you tackled your every post.

    I’m thrilled boss and my take would be that Time supersedes everything else and must be dealt with really well. Like Dotun rightly said, When you give ample time to your blog, blog promotion would definitely yield to massive traffic that if not careful will crash your host server.

    Nice post boss. A post generally for every serious blogger and not for only the newbies. I’m particularly thrilled you shared it. 🙂


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