About the author

Nosagie Nosa-Ero

Nosa is the Senior Editor of TechRez. Got a NEWS TIP related to this story -- or to anything else in the world of big tech? Please e-mail him: nosa[at]techrez.com. You can also connect with him via the connections below the box.

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  1. 1

    Nintendo Fan 4 Lif3

    I know this is a stupid question, but why would a laptop or any computer need HDMI-IN when computers usually get hooked up to an HD or 4K TV even to get a bigger screen experience? wondering because my computer doesn’t have that.

    1. 1.1

      Clarence Thompkins II

      if you wan to plug your ps4 into you laptop when you’re on the run and have no other means of screens.

      1. 1.1.1

        Nintendo Fan 4 Lif3

        ahh ok..that makes sense. thanks. won’t the battery life on the laptop drain quickly though with another device drawing power from it?


          Clarence Thompkins II

          For instance you’re at the air port waiting for your next flight so you hook up both your ps4 and laptop to the wall and start gaming until your flight comes that or just remote play with your vita but still the option is there.

        2. Nintendo Fan 4 Lif3

          Thanks for the info. I usually just bring my 3DS to the airport and never bring my laptop, and don’t think my family would be okay with me carrying a home console around so it’s probably unlikely I will take advantage of that.

    2. 1.2

      Nosa E Nosa

      @clarencethompkinsii:disqus said it all buddy… There is no extra feature too much for a device that qualifies for a Laptop.

      1. 1.2.1

        Nintendo Fan 4 Lif3


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