Everyone hates spam, most times it could be really difficult to effectively combat blog spam but I have an excellent guide that will show you how to stop spam from your blog.
I had this problem for a couple of months until I found what works and it’s that simple!
Steps To Stop Trackbacks And Pingbacks
1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard
2. Open Settings > Discussion
3. Uncheck the second box [“Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)”]
Trackbacks would be disabled on your blog’s new posts, but there is still a problem. This settings doesn’t affect older posts!
The solution is get rid of trackbacks and pingback via phpmyadmin in your blog’s Cpanel.
Hint: Ensure you backup your database should anything go wrong.
5. Access your blog’s database and click the SQL tab
6. Copy the code below and paste on the SQL tab and run the query.
UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status=”closed”;
That’s all, trackbacks have been completely disabled on your blog and you don’t need to perform any other task. If you followed the simple tips correctly, the entire process of preventing trackbacks on your blog should work like a charm for you.
Alright, I have a tutorial that also explains how you can stop identify, prevent and stop negative SEO. You definitely want to check it out.
Final Thoughts.
I guess it was easy for you, I would really love to hear your thoughts. Let me hear your experiences.