Advancement of technology has improved the quality of life. Boat owners can now sleep better thanks to the invention of the remote monitoring system. In the past the only available security systems for boats were modified home security system but the advancement of technology has given rise to sophisticated security systems. This systems can protect your boat from fire, high water and intruders and the owner does not have to worry about a thing. The boatactuator offer information to boat owners on where to purchase this systems and how to install them.
This sophisticated monitoring system use either wired or wireless sensors connected to control head that transmits alerts to the boats sitcom system. The system uses several motion sensors to ensure maximum security. Yacht monitoring system unlike home monitoring systems do not report to the system rather it contacts to the boater directly via text or email if trouble arises.
Yacht monitoring technology allows the boat owner to remotely track and find the vessel incase its stolen. The system can be configured to send its position via satellite to a secure website. There are different levels of security and remote monitoring systems dependent on the size of the yacht. Different levels of detection, warning and consequence make an effective security system. This systems are impossible to disable since they are independent of the boat’s data backbone.
Remote monitoring system are set up to operate on owner’s specification. If he wants an alert to be set to him after every 15 minutes, or he wants to be able to remote open doors, all this is possible with the system. It is thus wise for every boat owner to install a monitoring system to ensure his investment is well taken care of. It gives boater peace of mind and they do not have to waste money to pay someone to watch over it or has to constantly check on it themselves.